
Giada was born in a small village between Verona and Mantova called Mozzecane, in ITALY.

Her childhood was filled with friends, nature, art and sports.

 "She's always been a quite and extremely creative child" -according to her parents.She loves animals, and used to spend hours in solitary around them.

After finishing her much loved Interior Design and Art School , she decided to fly to Australia at only 19 years old and since that day, she never left.

Despite she misses her home and family she found her purpose of life in here,Sydney.

​"Sydney gives me the freedom that I couldn't find at home"

  - she says.

​Running by the beach and have a cold swim after a quick yoga session it's one of her best way to find inspirations in the colours of the ocean.

​"This city gives me an amazing energy, the beaches ,the parks and the beautiful sunsets from all the different spots around the city it's what really inspires me!"-  the young artist admit.

As a typical Italian,she has a very strong addiction to coffee.

"Before anything else, the first thing I do in the morning is put my moka on and have a sip of my coffeee!

Giada strongly believes in women's rights.

​​​" I worked really hard to make my own way into the society and I have to admit that in 2022 there are still many discriminations agaist women about what they are capable or not capable of doing.

We can do whatever we liked to do it, we just need to really wanted!"

She also strongly stands against domestic violence.